Τρίτη 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2014
On 2:08 π.μ. by Συνάντηση Ελλήνων in Από πηγές No comments
Έχουμε έναν πόλεμο μεταξύ "προοδευτικής" και "συντηρητικής" μασονίας. Εμπλεκόμενες όλες οι χώρες ... ηγέτες όπως Obama, Merkel, Napolitano ... ακόμη κι ο ηγέτης των τζιχαντιστών Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (Isis).
Στη λίστα βρίσκουμε και τον Σαμαρά ...
Συνωμοσιολογία και αντισημιτισμός ... θα πουν ορισμένοι.
Αμ δε ...
Όλα βασισμένα σε ΝΤΟΚΟΥΜΕΝΤΑ, φυλαγμένα ως τώρα στα αρχεία των υπερεθνικών στοών "Ur-Lodges" και τα καταθέτει ο Μέγας Διδάσκαλος της Δημοκρατικής Ανατολής Joel Magaldi.
Τα ελληνικά ΜΜΕ κι οι "ανταποκριτές" στην γειτονική Ιταλία κάνουν τις άφωνες πάπιες ...
Βιβλία, άρθρα και στο μέσα club ο Αντωνάκης Σαμαράς. Κι η πλάκα είναι ότι εκτελεί συμβόλαιο εξόντωσης του λαού μας και της πατρίδας μας ...
Να δούμε ... Τώρα, έστω από ένα μικρό, ασήμαντο ιστολόγιο που φέρνει στο φως στοιχεία που υπογράφουν με ονοματεπώνυμο έγκυροι δημοσιογράφοι, θα διαψεύσει, θα τους μηνύσει ... η μούγκα στη στρούγκα της στοάς;
Θα τολμήσει να διαψεύσει ή να μηνύσει τον δημοσιογράφο Edward Bettella ο Α. Σαμαράς;
Βάλτε το ... άρθρο του έγκυρου περιοδικού pop off στη μετάφραση του google ...
Δείτε για το βιβλίο " Freemasons. Company with unlimited liability, Vol. 1: The discovery of the Ur-Lodges "ή αγοράστε το ηλεκτρονικά από το" amazon ", ελπίζοντας πως θα βρεθεί κάποιος δημοσιογράφο-ανταποκριτής στην Ιταλία να στείλει στοιχεία (άλλωστε αυτοί πληρώνονται να μεταφράζουν) ... και μετά πεστε μας για "ψεκασμένους"!
Τυχαίο ότι ο μόνος έλληνας πρωθυπουργός που δεν φόρεσε τον σιωνιστικό κιπά ήταν ο Ανδρέας Παπανδρέου, που μισεί μέχρι κι ο πατροκτόνος εθνικός ολετήρας;
Ακολουθεί ένα από τα αυτούσια άρθρα:
Freemasonry diverted that controls the world, here is the list
There is a war going on between the Masons and the progressive conservative. Involved all countries, like Obama, Merkel, Napolitano, Dragons and ...
Edward Bettella

Mario Draghi, ECB president, affiliate five Ur-Lodges, including one in which it is affiliated with Giorgio Napolitano, the "Three Eyes".
The power holders Italian, European and world are Masons. Masons do not "ordinary", but belonging to huge lodges supra, the Ur-Lodges . Angela Merkel, Barack Obama, Giorgio Napolitano, Mario Draghi, even Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Isis. This is demonstrated confidential documents held in the archives of Ur-Lodges, who tells them they have seen, the Grand Master of the East Democrat Joel Magaldi . Not exactly a stranger to the subject, since he was affiliated to a period in one of these superlogge, the "Thomas Paine" .
Before proceeding with the list of names and its lodges belong, however, you must do some 'clarity on the subject. What are they, exactly, the Ur-Lodges? "Cosmopolitan and supranational entities that meet the nobles of modernity and oppose or are allied with each other for decades, in a dialectic sometimes tragic and fierce, interpreted by the most progressive currents and from the conservative and oligarchic of Freemasonry planetary not without many many shades of gray areas, composed of moderates who would not want to be involved in this tragic fratricidal conflict for power global and local " , writes Magaldi.
So: there are two opposing factions within the global Freemasonry. That progressive heir and bearer of those values (liberty, fraternity, equality) that, in the past, have inspired the revolutions that have marked the turning ancien regime to modern society. And the conservative and aristocratic, which crippled the very values intendendoli as exclusive: brothers, free and equal are only the "initiates" and not the "profane". Eager, therefore, to recreate an oligarchic society.
And there is a real war going on. "Freemasons - Company limited" is one of the battles of this war. It is a progressive Freemason who opens his eyes to the uninitiated on what they are doing and have done the Ur-Lodges conservative. And it does so in the name of brotherhood that is so dear to the various Montesquieu, Roosevelt, and so on. Stressing proudly belong to this current.
But the documents? The evidence? The evidence? It is also clarified this point in the book. "The originals are kept by their natural guardians, namely the secretaries and clerks of various Ur-Lodges. But myself and the other brothers who co-wrote the book you have taken the trouble photocopy of all the material examined and that, vast, yet to be examined, and deposit it in multiple copies at various notaries and lawyers of Paris, London and New York. In the case of blatant denials and claims the documents will be made public with adequate media prominence. " And that's not all. Four eminent members of the establishment Masonic planetarium, which in the book to protect their identity with a pseudonym, if necessary are available to 'go out in public to his face. "
Here, then, the list of prominent Masons (some known and others less well known) all involved in various ways in the political and economic crisis of the Old Continent. "A crisis is not only still underway but will worsen further."
ITALY Mario Draghi (born in 1947, president of the European Central Bank from 2011, member of the "Edmund Burke", the "Pan-Europe", the "Star-Compass Rose / Rosa-Star Ventorum", the "Three Eyes" and " Der Ring "). Giorgio Napolitano (born in 1925, President of the Italian Republic, member of the "Three Eyes"). Mario Monti (born in 1943, economist, senator for life and Italian Prime Minister from 2011 to 2013, in a more or affiliate less covered the United Grand Lodge of England and the Ur-Lodge "Babel Tower"). Fabrizio Saccomanni (born 1942, banker, economist, former director general of the Bank of Italy from 2006 to 2013, 2013 to 2014 he was Minister of 'Economics of the government Letta, affiliated to the "Star-Compass Rose / Rosa-Star Ventorum" and "Edmund Burke"). Pier Carlo Padoan (born in 1950, economist, from February 24, 2014 Minister of Economy in the government Renzi, affiliate, like Massimo D'Alema, the "Pan-Europe" and the "Star-Compass Rose / Rosa-Star Ventorum"). Gianfelice Rocca (born in 1948, among the most important Italian entrepreneurs, president of Techint and Assolombarda, affiliate the "Three Eyes"). Domenico Siniscalco (born in 1954, economist, banker, former economy minister from 2004 to 2005, member of the "Edmund Burke"). Giuseppe Recchi (born in 1964, top managers, affiliated to the "Three Eyes" ). Marta Dassù (born in 1955, essayist, former Under Secretary and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, currently sits on the board of Finmeccanica, affiliated to the "Three Eyes"). Corrado Passera (born in 1954, banker, manager, politician, former Minister of Economic Development 2011-2013 in the Monti government, affiliated to the "Atlantis-Aletheia"). Ignazio Visco (born 1949, economist, governor of the Bank of Italy from 2011, member of the "Edmund Burke"). Enrico Cucchiani (born 1950, banker and top managers, affiliated to the "Three Eyes"). Alfredo Ambrosetti (born in 1931, economist, founder and chairman emeritus of The European House-Ambrosetti, affiliate to the "Pan-Europe"). Carlo Secchi (born in 1944, economist and politician, member of the "Three Eyes", the "Pan-Europe" and "Babel Tower"). Emma Marcegaglia (born in 1965, entrepreneur and top managers, affiliated to the "Pan-Europe"). Matteo Arpe (born in 1964, banker and top managers, affiliated to "Edmund Burke"). Vittorio Grilli (born in 1957, economist, Director General of the Ministry of the Treasury from 2005 to 2011 and Minister of Economy with the Monti government, affiliated to " Compass Star-Rose / Rosa-Star Ventorum "). Giampaolo Di Paola (born in 1944, Admiral, Minister of Defense from 2011 to 2013 with the Monti government, affiliated to the "Star-Compass Rose / Rosa-Star Ventorum"). Federica Guidi (born in 1969, entrepreneur, Minister of Economic Development since February of 2014, affiliated to the "Three Eyes").

G7 meeting last March. Four people sitting at the table, are affiliated to Ur-Lodges: from left, François Hollande (French President), David Cameron (British Prime Minister), Barack Obama (US President) and Angela Merkel (German Chancellor).
OTHER COUNTRIES Angela Merkel (born in 1954, politics, German chancellor since 2005, affiliated to the "Golden Eurasia", the "Valhalla" and "Parsifal"). Barack Obama (born in 1961, the current president of the United States, affiliated with the "Maat "). Vladimir Putin (born in 1952, current President of the Russian Federation, affiliated to the "Golden Eurasia"). François Hollande (born in 1954, the French President in office since 2012, affiliated to the "Ferdinand Lassalle" and "Fraternité Verte" ). Christine Lagarde (born in 1956, lawyer, political director of the International Monetary Fund, affiliated to the "Three Eyes" and "Pan-Europe"). George W. Bush (born 1949, US president from 2001 to 2009, affiliated to the "Hathor Pentalpha"). Michael Ledeen (born in 1941, journalist, intellectual and political scientist, affiliated with the "White Eagle" to "Hathor Pentalpha"). Condoleezza Rice (born in 1954, politics, affiliated to the "Three Eyes" and " Hathor Pentalpha "). Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (born in 1971, leaders of the Isis and Caliph of the self-Islamic state, affiliated to the "Hathor Pentalpha"). José Manuel Durão Barroso (born in 1956, university professor, politician, president of the Commission European Union from 2004 to 2014, member of the "Pan-Europe" and "Parsifal"). Olli Rehn (born in 1962, political, current vice-president of the European Parliament, member of the "Pan-Europe" and "Babel Tower"). Tony Blair (born in 1953, British prime minister from 1997 to 2007, member of the "Edmund Burke" and then to "Hathor Pentalpha"). David Cameron (born in 1966, British prime minister from 2010, member of the "Edmund Burke" and "Geburah") . Pedro Passos Coelho (born in 1964, Prime Minister of Portugal from 2011, member of the "Three Eyes", the "Edmund Burke" and the "White Eagle"). Mariano Rajoy (born in 1955, Prime Minister of Spain from 2011, affiliated to "Pan-Europe", the "Valhalla" and "Parsifal"). Antonis Samaras (born in 1951, political, current prime minister of Greece, affiliated with the "Three Eyes"). Jean-Claude Trichet (born in 1942, economist, banker , ECB president from 2003 to 2011, member of the "Pan-Europe", the "Babel Tower" and "Der Ring". Bernard Arnault (born 1949, entrepreneur rich, dominus of Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy, member of the "Three Eyes "and the" Edmund Burke "). Nicolas Sarkozy (born in 1955, political, president of the French Republic from 2007 to 2012, member of the "Edmund Burke," to "Geburah", the "Atlantis-Aletheia", the "Pan-Europe "and the" Hathor Pentelpha "). Manuel Valls (born in 1962, the current Prime Minister of France, began his time in the Grand Orient de France and then affiliated to the "Edmund Burke", the "Star-Compass Rose / Rosa-Star Ventorum" and "Der Ring"). Christian Noyer (born 1950, banker, current governor of the Bank of France, member of the "Pan-Europe", and the "Star-Compass Rose / Rosa-Star Ventorum"). Mark Rutte (class 1967 Prime Minister of the Netherlands from 2010, member of the "Three Eyes" and "Pan-Europe"). Ben van Beurden (born in 1958, top managers, CEO of Royal Dutch Shell, affiliated to "Geburah" and "Der Ring "). Wolfgang Schäuble (born 1942, political, current German finance minister, the current Worshipful Master of "Der Ring", affiliated to "Joseph de Maistre"). Peter Voser (born in 1958, top managers and CEO of Royal Dutch Shell A member of "Pan-Europe"). Bill Gates (born in 1955, entrepreneur, affiliated to the "Star-Compass Rose / Rosa-Star Ventorum").

Above the front of the Grand Master, during a meeting of Freemasonry, always appears the acronym "To the glory of the great architect of the universe" and the words "freedom - equality - fraternity," the cornerstones of the current progressive masonry.
Πηγή: http://www.awakengr.com/2014/11/blog-post_268.html#ixzz3LM2fRomH
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